Accessibility report
This website is provided by Lund University, Department of Biomedical Engineering.
We want as many people as possible to be able to use the website.
Denna sida på svenska.
If you need the information in another format, or if you spot a problem with accessibility
that you want to report, please contact us:
Webmaster: Tord Hjalt, e-mail:
Cell: 0705-438136.
You may also contact the person (course leader or page responsible) of each page
of each Division.
The Agency for Digital Government is responsible for supervision of the
Act on the Accessibility of Digital Public Services. If you are not satisfied
with our response to your comments, you can contact the Agency for
Digital Government and complain.
Work in progress
We are currently working with:
- Clarifying the menu structure, there are some redundancies and old versions present.
- Translating parts of the site into Swedish, most of it is now in English.
- Some pages and features are not consistently described in links, references and headings.
- Not all techniques are used in an accessible way. Among other things, our image carousels are not available for users with screen readers, people with cognitive problems or for people with concentration difficulties.
- Problems using a keyboard:
- - navigation does not always follow a logical order
- - buttons in image carousels cannot be accessed
- - focus is not always visually clear
- - some functions can not be controlled on mobile phones and large screens
- The website is not fully usable and readable at magnification up to 200 percent.
- When a user sets larger distances between letters, words, lines or paragraphs, not all text is always visible.
- Contrasts (for marking visual focus marking / foreground and background colors) are sometimes insufficient.
- Link groups and information areas are not always grouped.
- Screen reader users may experience problems with pages that contain more than one language. Some of the content is then pronounced in the wrong language.
- Information that is automatically retrieved from external websites is sometimes inaccessible.
- Some tables and forms are inaccessible to, among others, screen reader users.
- Some images will not be recognized by screen readers.
- The website contains links that are difficult to understand without knowing the context, so that it is unclear where the link goes.
- Some menus may be difficult to use.
- Screen reader users may experience problems with the website’s search function.
- Some documents are not fully accessible.
- Some videos do not have subtitles.
- The website mixes Swedish and English pages.
- Some headers and heading structures are inaccessible.
- Some lists are coded incorrectly and/or used in a wrong way.
- Some images contain text.
- Contrasts in some illustrations, diagrams, photos, icons and videos are insufficient.
- Some frames miss a title-attribute which makes it difficult to judge if it’s important or not to enter a frame, especially for screen reader users.
We aim to resolve most of the known editorial accessibility issues by December 31, 2023 . As for known technical accessibility issues, our goal is to resolve these issues by spring 2023, when this website will have received a new template in our web publishing system Typo3.